
Nested Dino Tail

Nested Dino Tail (★ Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Mantibab

A moderately sized velvety tail with an explosion of fur at the base.

Soft Dino Tail

Soft Dino Tail (★ Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Mantibab

A moderately sized velvety tail with a soft pile of fur along the top or underside. Half velvety, half furry.

No Tail

No Tail (★ Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Mantibab

No tail at all! Can have short tufts of fur lining the rump, but should clearly have no tail, otherwise you can glance at the short hair tails in the common section!

Soft Dino Tail PB

Soft Dino Tail PB (★ Common)

Category: Tail
Species: Pawbird

A sizable variant of the velvet tail that's topped with short soft fur.

  •  Soft Dino:  
    🔹 This tail can be covered in short - medium length fur that grows along the top, but should be smooth on the underside.
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